Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Cristiano Ronaldo- "my teacher once told me that football will not make me great"


 biggest virus and killer of success, believe and aspiration is UNDERRATING.             

  Most people have already underrated themselves by concluding that they can never make it. The question is, why do they say this? It may be because of the Situation they are into, conditions, challenges, background etc.

   God created every human being with talents, different talents, no one was created empty, that is why all the inventions we have seen today came from different people ranging from Aeroplane, cameras, electricity, computers, etc. None of this was invented by one person, all came from different people.

 The truth is, they discovered that God given talent in them, worked on it, and today they are great innovators and inventors.


The reason why most people cannot go far is because they just look at the physical state of their life and conclude, "I can't be anything better ". or some may say"i didn't go to school, so obviously there is no place for me in the society ", or may even say, " am not from a rich family so is obvious I can't be there ".

But the truth is education, affluence, family background or your condition is not a guarantee to success. If you want to be successful, then you must work your way to it.

   If you look at the stories of some of our great inventors like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they were all school drop out, they didn't make it in school, Bill Gates drop out of school to concentrate on Microsoft and today he is the founder of Microsoft, Steve Jobs drop out of school and today he is the father of all things Apple. They didn't just conclude that their future was over when they drop out, but with school never withstanding, they went on to discover and built their talents and that has transformed the society today. Another great man is Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, the most popular social media network in the world,  he left school, Harvard to invent that site we spend way too much time on.

   This great men didn't need any school Degree or qualifications to invent, they just had the idea, vision, wisdom and the talent. Today their names have been written among the greats. Now the question is, "where is your name written, or where will it be written? If your name is or will not be written among the great then is your fault.


What you good at? Look for that thing you are good at and focus on it. Try to bring that your dream to reality, it is only you that sees the picture in your mind, print it out and see if the world won't appreciate that picture.

Don't say" who will support me, my parents are not rich". You just do not need rich parents to be successful .it has nothing to do with your parents, it is your determination that can bring your dreams to reality. 

Look at the story of Cristiano Ronaldo ,one of the greatest and most celebrated footballer in World football today , this man came from a poor family, his father was a drunk and his mother, a cleaner, .He said that he once told his father that one day they will be rich, but his father laugh and said "son that is impossible ". This is just to show you how things were tough for him, that there was not even hope of a better life. But Cristiano Ronaldo did not look at his family's condition he looked at the future, and that was why he told his father that. He discovered his talent which was football at an early age and from that day he began working on it. He was also a school drop out, who left school because his threw a chair on his teacher who mocked him because he was dull at school and told him that football will not make him great.  He left school because of this to concentrate on his football career and today he has proven that teacher wrong, today,football has made him great.

Many people would have let that word eat into them, probably it would have killed their believe, but Ronaldo worked against that word and today he is great.

Every great man and woman has a story to tell. You must stay focus to succeed in other to tell your story. Don't be easily distracted, don't look at your condition and say" I have nothing to offer". You have something to offer, the world is waiting to clap for you and your ideas when you eventually want to offer them. 

   They won't look at your condition, but they will look at the you behind the you in that your condition.

    Don't say, " what is there for me to create again, technology is already here, so what else, what will I create that no one has created ". 

But do you know that before all these inventions, God already created the heavens and the earth, he created everything and kept them in place. Why didn't inventors discouraged themselves because God has already created everything. No they didn't discouraged themselves, but rather they look for what was not there and put it there (inventions).

      Check around you today, forget technology, the world is changing gradually, there is something that is not there, listen to your mind, discover that thing and put it there, and then get your name finally written down among the greats.

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