Sunday 10 May 2020

Kim Kardashian West is now an inspiration to women, see reasons

All of us are no strangers to celebrity power couple, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. The duo began sinning in 2012 and were hitched in 2014. 
Two years into their union, Kanye publicly declared that he was in debt amounting to $53 million. His debts stemmed from his then unsuccessful attempts at launching his unconventional clothing lines. You remember the matambara , torn clothes he was selling for (millions?) 
Consequently, he began fishing for investors. Yeezy even asked Facebook CEO Zuckerberg to "invest in his ideas." 
But it was his wife who had something FB could invest in-  her appeal. This was perfect  for a video game. Consequently, in 2016, Facebook paid Kim $80 million for her role in "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood" video game. She tweeted that she’d cashed in her “$80 million check” and was “transferring $53 million into a joint account.” 
On April 24, Forbes which has mechanisms of verifying the fiscal worth of an individual or entity, declared Kanye a billionaire. 
And yes, he has returned the favour. In 2018, Kanye got Kim a small box for Christmas. Inside were a pair of Apple headphones, Adidas socks, and a Mickey Mouse. Turns out the "Jesus walks" rapper bought his wife “major stock” in Apple, Adidas, and Disney. 
If I start scribbling over how they've changed and inspired each other, I might publish a novel. Kim, a woman we all knew as a hoe- is today a mother of four and is leading Prison reforms campaign in US as well as studying Law is all because West inspired her to be more(her own words)That's what a great partner does. Brings out the best in you. 

The reason why most marriages have not had financial breakthroughs is because you work AGAINST each other instead of WITH each other. A wife will have some money but watch as the hubby borrows from friends just to keep the family afloat,  because of the "my money is mine, your money is ours" puerile, uncouth and backward mentality. 
Give some wives 100k today, her first stop will be a hair palour to get a 40k Peruvian weave. Then shoes and bags so that she can brag to co fickle minded simpletons at the Longrich Meetings.
Partnership in a union goes beyond exchanging fluids and siring brats. Two is better than one as elucidated in Ecclesiastes is not solely for cuddling, it includes THINKING. Open up to each other as a couple. Brainstorm. Share. Deliberate. Argue over it. Until finally you agree on something tangible. 
Toxic masculinity should not stop you from seeking your woman's opinion on financial issues. Or you'll die broke, bitter and miserable. 

Jeff Bezos is today touted to be a line away from being a Trillionare. Sales on Amazon have sky rocketed thanks to Corona. But did you know that it was his (ex) wife who negotiated Amazon's first Freight contract? 

Ladies, there's no weakness in bailing out your man. If you are in a position to, pick him up, cover his financial shame and hold his hand as he takes those steps. You will reap later. Very few men will forget or disregard a woman who held his hand as he strived for a bearing in life. The few who do are the bottom of the barrel woebegotten oafs. How you deal with such an ungrateful thing is up to you, the law and your conscience.
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